Mercedes Marathon Weekend
Birmingham, AL.............................................................February 11, 2018
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Relay Team Results (All Women, All Men, Mixed, Masters and High School)

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Mercedes Marathon Weekend


Mercedes Marathon Weekend

Place Team Name Rank 1st Leg Pace Rank 2nd Leg Pace Rank 3rd Leg Pace Rank 4th Leg Pace Rank 5th Leg Pace Finish Time Pace Bib# Clock Time Link
1 EW-Tri And Catch Us! 2 48:54 7:54 1 24:36 7:56 1 44:02 7:07 4 33:26 8:58 1 49:05 7:07 3:20:01 7:39 6149 3:20:23 Video
2 Resolute Running 1 47:10 7:37 2 25:12 8:08 4 50:15 8:07 1 28:34 7:40 4 56:50 8:14 3:28:00 7:57 6060 3:28:09 Video
3 RCC Runs 3 48:58 7:54 6 29:07 9:24 3 49:04 7:55 5 35:59 9:40 7 58:58 8:32 3:42:05 8:29 6132 3:44:05 Video
4 EY-Regions Girls 5 55:29 8:57 14 31:51 10:17 2 48:54 7:54 7 36:23 9:46 3 56:32 8:11 3:49:06 8:45 6126 3:50:01 Video
5 Redeemer Runners 10 59:01 9:32 15 31:52 10:17 6 51:51 8:22 3 33:04 8:53 5 57:16 8:18 3:53:02 8:54 6091 3:55:03 Video
6 Stryker's Striders 9 57:37 9:18 3 25:31 8:14 5 51:08 8:15 9 36:50 9:53 14 1:06:11 9:35 3:57:16 9:04 6169 3:59:18 Video
7 RBL 14 1:00:18 9:44 11 31:00 10:00 20 1:03:11 10:12 6 36:14 9:44 2 53:12 7:42 4:03:54 9:19 6133 4:05:56 Video
8 Ladies BPRBSpoweredbyF2FS Ladies 16 1:01:31 9:56 5 27:00 8:43 7 56:35 9:08 8 36:29 9:47 13 1:04:23 9:20 4:05:56 9:24 6114 4:06:14 Video
9 BellRunners - Run the Ham for Sawyer 6 55:30 8:58 9 29:38 9:34 19 1:02:49 10:08 10 37:04 9:57 11 1:03:20 9:10 4:08:18 9:29 6174 4:09:47 Video
10 VHUMC Runners 2 17 1:02:17 10:03 8 29:38 9:34 14 1:00:47 9:49 12 39:55 10:43 8 59:21 8:36 4:11:56 9:37 6031 4:13:53 Video
11 Swaggerettes 19 1:02:44 10:08 12 31:02 10:01 17 1:01:42 9:58 13 40:03 10:45 6 57:25 8:19 4:12:55 9:40 6027 4:16:10 Video
12 Unlocking Potential 8 56:13 9:04 21 37:25 12:04 8 57:05 9:13 2 32:59 8:51 25 1:17:21 11:12 4:21:00 9:58 6184 4:21:05 Video
13 Run the World (Girls) 18 1:02:20 10:04 7 29:34 9:33 18 1:02:14 10:03 14 40:45 10:56 18 1:09:41 10:06 4:24:31 10:06 6130 4:27:01 Video
14 Marathon Mamas 20 1:06:25 10:43 13 31:42 10:14 9 57:17 9:15 15 40:58 11:00 21 1:12:33 10:30 4:28:54 10:16 6059 4:33:39 Video
15 Baby Got Back 4 55:20 8:56 17 34:09 11:01 28 1:11:02 11:28 20 43:32 11:41 15 1:06:27 9:37 4:30:27 10:20 6090 4:32:43 Video
16 Fab Forge Ladies 13 1:00:01 9:41 28 40:52 13:11 15 1:00:59 9:51 18 42:26 11:23 16 1:08:11 9:52 4:32:26 10:24 6013 4:35:59 Video
17 Sole Sisters/Soul Sisters 15 1:01:09 9:52 16 33:29 10:49 26 1:09:01 11:08 16 41:09 11:03 17 1:09:17 10:02 4:34:05 10:28 6122 4:34:46 Video
18 Fab Five 12 59:52 9:40 31 45:52 14:48 21 1:03:58 10:19 11 39:40 10:39 29 1:22:04 11:53 4:51:25 11:08 6004 4:54:12 Video
19 Dude, where's the finish line? 26 1:14:02 11:57 30 44:42 14:26 22 1:06:03 10:40 25 47:43 12:48 9 59:36 8:38 4:52:05 11:09 6141 4:56:20 Video
20 The Sharpened Saws 30 1:16:47 12:23 20 36:40 11:50 11 59:56 9:40 19 43:30 11:40 28 1:20:50 11:42 4:57:41 11:22 6144 5:01:48 Video
21 Sole Mates 28 1:14:46 12:04 22 39:30 12:45 24 1:07:09 10:50 22 44:13 11:52 24 1:16:25 11:04 5:02:01 11:32 6044 5:06:30 Video
22 Delta Zeta Birmingham Alumnae 32 1:19:37 12:51 18 34:54 11:16 30 1:16:06 12:17 24 47:35 12:46 12 1:04:19 9:19 5:02:29 11:33 6051 5:06:38 Video
23 Sole Sisters/Soul Sisters 7 55:54 9:01 33 46:49 15:07 27 1:09:40 11:15 29 51:40 13:52 27 1:18:33 11:23 5:02:35 11:33 6121 5:03:18 Video
24 OMES 22 1:07:56 10:58 26 40:40 13:07 23 1:06:22 10:43 32 57:16 15:22 20 1:11:14 10:19 5:03:25 11:35 6163 5:05:09 Video
25 PAC ATTACK 24 1:09:04 11:09 25 40:31 13:04 25 1:07:22 10:52 28 48:57 13:08 26 1:18:04 11:18 5:03:56 11:36 6206 5:08:06 Video
26 BGR! Atlanta 25 1:13:15 11:49 24 40:25 13:03 13 1:00:41 9:48 21 43:32 11:41 30 1:27:52 12:43 5:05:42 11:41 6009 5:07:35 Video
27 OMIS Nacho Losers Fun Team 33 1:19:37 12:51 19 36:28 11:46 33 1:22:09 13:15 27 48:03 12:54 10 1:03:18 9:10 5:09:33 11:49 6106 5:14:07 Video
28 Running Figures 21 1:07:52 10:57 32 46:21 14:57 12 59:58 9:41 26 47:44 12:49 31 1:28:10 12:46 5:10:03 11:51 6043 5:12:38 Video
29 Scrambled Legs 23 1:08:54 11:07 27 40:46 13:09 29 1:13:22 11:50 31 53:46 14:26 22 1:13:52 10:42 5:10:37 11:52 6073 5:11:30 Video
30 Team Anson-2 11 59:14 9:34 10 30:13 9:45 16 1:01:15 9:53 34 1:02:33 16:47 34 1:42:02 14:46 5:15:16 12:02 6198 5:16:55 Video
31 Team WTF (Where's The Finish?) 34 1:21:10 13:06 23 40:09 12:57 32 1:20:01 12:55 23 45:33 12:14 19 1:11:01 10:17 5:17:52 12:08 6070 5:22:09 Video
32 POP Moms 27 1:14:29 12:01 29 41:17 13:19 31 1:16:14 12:18 30 52:52 14:11 23 1:14:04 10:44 5:18:55 12:11 6137 5:21:39 Video
33 #ForBham 29 1:15:18 12:09 34 58:18 18:49 10 57:39 9:18 17 42:23 11:22 32 1:30:37 13:07 5:24:13 12:23 6058 5:28:52 Video
34 One Step Closer 31 1:17:16 12:28 4 26:56 8:42 34 1:32:25 14:55 33 1:01:28 16:30 33 1:38:35 14:16 5:56:38 13:37 6185 6:00:22 Video
Mercedes Marathon Weekend


Mercedes Marathon Weekend

Place Team Name Rank 1st Leg Pace Rank 2nd Leg Pace Rank 3rd Leg Pace Rank 4th Leg Pace Rank 5th Leg Pace Finish Time Pace Bib# Clock Time Link
1 Deadly Venom - Black Men Run 2 39:19 6:21 1 21:06 6:49 2 43:10 6:58 2 27:09 7:17 1 46:10 6:41 2:56:51 6:45 6064 2:56:53 Video
2 BPRBSpoweredbyF2FS Men 1 38:47 6:16 5 24:39 7:57 1 42:36 6:53 8 32:11 8:38 2 47:14 6:51 3:05:25 7:05 6107 3:05:26 Video
3 Warren Averett 8 48:55 7:54 14 27:20 8:49 3 45:03 7:16 4 27:52 7:29 12 56:12 8:08 3:25:20 7:51 6138 3:25:29 Video
4 5J1 + Alex 10 49:16 7:57 13 27:15 8:48 5 47:29 7:40 1 27:07 7:17 28 1:01:15 8:52 3:32:20 8:07 6089 3:32:45 Video
5 The Wakanda Olympic Team 4 46:52 7:34 20 28:56 9:20 9 48:54 7:54 7 31:50 8:33 16 57:21 8:18 3:33:50 8:10 6022 3:34:05 Video
6 Phoenix Club 2 9 49:03 7:55 21 28:59 9:21 4 46:40 7:32 3 27:47 7:28 31 1:03:08 9:09 3:35:35 8:14 6077 3:36:19 Video
7 gkhouses 21 53:38 8:39 10 27:10 8:46 11 50:55 8:13 6 30:00 8:03 9 54:21 7:52 3:36:02 8:15 6143 3:36:57 Video
8 Comin' in Late 12 49:46 8:02 8 26:02 8:24 6 47:40 7:42 26 41:57 11:15 11 55:24 8:01 3:40:47 8:26 6018 3:41:28 Video
9 WTF! Where s The Finish? 6 48:21 7:48 18 28:31 9:12 8 48:42 7:52 23 41:00 11:00 8 54:20 7:52 3:40:52 8:26 6164 3:41:21 Video
10 The Rodgers Family 19 52:48 8:31 26 29:59 9:41 16 55:16 8:55 10 32:39 8:46 5 52:24 7:35 3:43:05 8:31 6092 3:43:30 Video
11 M 30 1:00:10 9:43 9 26:48 8:39 18 56:23 9:06 11 32:42 8:47 4 50:23 7:18 3:46:24 8:39 6104 3:47:27 Video
12 A-Double Trouble 22 55:29 8:57 30 31:24 10:08 10 48:58 7:54 22 40:22 10:50 3 50:19 7:17 3:46:29 8:39 6118 3:48:24 Video
13 Lightning Strikes Back 7 48:46 7:52 2 23:59 7:45 12 53:01 8:33 16 37:00 9:56 35 1:05:27 9:29 3:48:11 8:43 6110 3:48:31 Video
14 Doster Construction BellRunners 3 40:41 6:34 25 29:37 9:33 25 1:00:22 9:45 21 39:18 10:33 25 1:00:51 8:49 3:50:46 8:49 6046 3:50:56 Video
15 German High Runners 11 49:22 7:58 27 30:30 9:51 14 54:25 8:47 27 42:16 11:21 10 54:38 7:55 3:51:08 8:50 6017 3:51:45 Video
16 SER Birmingham 5 48:16 7:47 3 24:04 7:46 22 57:30 9:17 33 44:37 11:58 17 57:47 8:22 3:52:11 8:52 6129 3:53:06 Video
17 Correlindes Team 25 56:49 9:10 7 26:01 8:24 26 1:00:36 9:47 18 38:59 10:28 7 54:11 7:51 3:56:33 9:02 6010 3:58:34 Video
18 Coach PawPaw's Track Team 14 50:38 8:10 22 29:25 9:30 21 56:57 9:12 24 41:26 11:07 20 58:51 8:31 3:57:15 9:04 6136 3:58:14 Video
19 Running on fumes 29 59:08 9:33 15 27:31 8:53 13 54:25 8:47 25 41:50 11:14 14 57:02 8:16 3:59:53 9:10 6075 4:01:19 Video
20 Barge Design Solutions 20 53:24 8:37 33 33:28 10:48 31 1:03:44 10:17 5 29:49 8:00 23 1:00:17 8:44 4:00:39 9:12 6135 4:02:07 Video
21 VMC Aggregreats 16 50:54 8:13 16 27:31 8:53 28 1:01:47 9:58 15 36:51 9:53 34 1:04:56 9:24 4:01:56 9:15 6189 4:02:43 Video
22 Vulcan Value Partners 2 27 58:41 9:28 28 30:36 9:53 30 1:03:33 10:15 9 32:20 8:41 19 58:08 8:25 4:03:15 9:18 6162 4:04:14 Video
23 CPFD 2 24 56:38 9:09 19 28:39 9:15 23 58:01 9:22 14 36:41 9:51 33 1:04:14 9:18 4:04:10 9:20 6095 4:04:56 Video
24 It's Mary's Birthday 42 1:12:17 11:40 11 27:11 8:46 7 48:07 7:46 17 37:22 10:02 26 1:00:53 8:49 4:05:48 9:23 6019 4:09:07 Video
25 Phoenix Club 1 28 59:01 9:31 6 25:59 8:23 20 56:56 9:11 34 44:57 12:04 32 1:04:11 9:18 4:11:02 9:35 6076 4:13:22 Video
26 Hill Street Boos 13 49:59 8:04 37 34:55 11:16 34 1:07:37 10:55 29 42:27 11:24 15 57:11 8:17 4:12:07 9:38 6102 4:14:23 Video
27 Cabaniss Johnston Men 31 1:00:48 9:49 34 33:42 10:53 37 1:09:44 11:15 13 35:25 9:30 6 53:26 7:44 4:13:03 9:40 6160 4:15:10 Video
28 MBA Engineers 17 51:04 8:15 17 28:26 9:11 19 56:34 9:08 39 52:09 14:00 37 1:11:25 10:21 4:19:36 9:55 6020 4:20:25 Video
29 Fastest Brose Relay 23 56:08 9:04 29 30:38 9:53 33 1:07:29 10:54 37 46:39 12:31 21 59:29 8:37 4:20:21 9:57 6055 4:22:00 Video
30 Airship 37 1:05:55 10:38 24 29:33 9:32 29 1:02:24 10:04 31 43:02 11:33 22 59:47 8:39 4:20:40 9:57 6050 4:23:04 Video
31 Lushcrew 39 1:10:21 11:21 31 32:03 10:21 15 54:32 8:48 38 47:26 12:44 13 56:53 8:14 4:21:13 9:59 6103 4:22:32 Video
32 Haul Yeah! 38 1:08:55 11:07 39 35:28 11:27 27 1:01:29 9:55 19 39:07 10:30 29 1:01:22 8:53 4:26:18 10:10 6071 4:28:38 Video
33 I Just Felt Like Running 34 1:03:33 10:15 23 29:30 9:31 40 1:12:58 11:46 35 45:03 12:05 27 1:01:05 8:51 4:32:06 10:24 6180 4:34:13 Video
34 Easier Said Than Run 32 1:02:17 10:03 40 36:13 11:41 17 56:17 9:05 41 55:49 14:59 30 1:02:53 9:06 4:33:26 10:27 6069 4:36:14 Video
35 MFT 35 1:03:38 10:16 4 24:10 7:48 36 1:08:31 11:04 36 45:21 12:10 40 1:16:47 11:07 4:38:25 10:38 6001 4:41:33 Video
36 Infinite Connections 40 1:11:53 11:36 35 33:54 10:56 42 1:13:43 11:54 20 39:09 10:30 24 1:00:33 8:46 4:39:09 10:40 6047 4:42:23 Video
37 BOMA AL $ Madds 18 52:02 8:24 32 32:58 10:39 24 59:31 9:36 42 58:50 15:47 41 1:17:29 11:13 4:40:48 10:44 6194 4:41:40 Video
38 ITbytes 33 1:03:31 10:15 38 35:00 11:18 35 1:07:41 10:55 30 42:38 11:27 39 1:13:54 10:42 4:42:42 10:48 6139 4:45:29 Video
39 CPFD 1 36 1:05:10 10:31 41 37:41 12:10 32 1:04:23 10:23 40 52:44 14:09 36 1:06:04 9:34 4:46:00 10:55 6093 4:48:19 Video
40 Men of Shades 15 50:52 8:13 12 27:11 8:46 43 1:17:25 12:30 43 59:24 15:56 38 1:12:07 10:27 4:46:57 10:58 6179 4:47:46 Video
41 Distinguished Wood Bricks 43 1:13:49 11:55 42 37:58 12:15 39 1:12:53 11:46 32 44:32 11:57 18 57:57 8:24 4:47:06 10:58 6098 4:51:07 Video
42 Team Harris 26 57:46 9:19 43 39:51 12:52 38 1:11:59 11:37 12 34:16 9:12 42 1:25:07 12:20 4:48:57 11:02 6152 4:51:11 Video
43 BBVA Compass Team 3 41 1:11:57 11:37 36 33:58 10:58 41 1:13:42 11:54 28 42:21 11:22 43 1:27:02 12:36 5:08:58 11:48 6041 5:12:07 Video
Mercedes Marathon Weekend

RELAY TEAM RESULTS (Mixed Open (2 Female min.) )

Mercedes Marathon Weekend

Place Team Name Rank 1st Leg Pace Rank 2nd Leg Pace Rank 3rd Leg Pace Rank 4th Leg Pace Rank 5th Leg Pace Finish Time Pace Bib# Clock Time Link
1 Beer Battered Brats 1 37:15 6:01 2 22:31 7:16 1 35:37 5:45 1 25:05 6:44 3 45:49 6:38 2:46:15 6:21 6154 2:46:17 Video
2 Protective BellRunners Team 1 3 42:15 6:49 3 22:40 7:19 6 48:56 7:54 4 29:34 7:56 5 47:06 6:49 3:10:29 7:17 6145 3:10:34 Video
3 HMS XC/Eskridge & White Team Swope 7 44:21 7:10 5 23:48 7:41 9 49:36 8:00 14 32:38 8:46 4 46:34 6:45 3:16:55 7:31 6156 3:17:04 Video
4 Callipygous Cruisers 29 52:43 8:31 15 25:52 8:21 4 48:13 7:47 13 32:28 8:43 1 43:42 6:20 3:22:56 7:45 6100 3:23:43 Video
5 Zippy Shell 13 48:21 7:48 6 24:15 7:50 5 48:36 7:51 12 32:16 8:40 15 54:31 7:54 3:27:57 7:57 6119 3:28:39 Video
6 Run, Walk, Drink, Get Naked! 2 41:22 6:41 43 31:28 10:09 7 49:01 7:55 20 35:18 9:28 11 52:29 7:36 3:29:35 8:00 6025 3:29:45 Video
7 Vulcan Materials Company 6 43:44 7:04 27 28:05 9:04 2 43:02 6:57 68 41:55 11:15 26 56:46 8:13 3:33:31 8:09 6007 3:33:50 Video
8 Blazin Fast 18 50:23 8:08 28 28:14 9:07 12 49:55 8:03 24 35:48 9:37 8 49:25 7:09 3:33:43 8:10 6140 3:34:52 Video
9 VHUMC Runners 1 33 53:13 8:35 4 23:44 7:40 11 49:51 8:03 11 31:48 8:32 42 58:50 8:31 3:37:24 8:18 6030 3:38:20 Video
10 HMS XC/Eskridge & White Team Genie 8 44:26 7:10 8 25:09 8:07 13 50:30 8:09 2 25:09 6:45 96 1:14:30 10:47 3:39:42 8:24 6158 3:39:50 Video
11 Drennan' Dashers 42 56:22 9:06 18 26:36 8:35 19 52:01 8:24 8 31:14 8:23 14 53:43 7:47 3:39:55 8:24 6128 3:42:13 Video
12 Movers and Pacers ATL 16 49:28 7:59 20 27:08 8:45 10 49:48 8:02 5 30:08 8:05 58 1:03:33 9:12 3:40:03 8:24 6202 3:41:08 Video
13 Mers-Manics 58 59:37 9:37 9 25:16 8:09 32 56:04 9:03 17 33:43 9:03 2 45:32 6:36 3:40:10 8:25 6099 3:42:12 Video
14 Village Runners 11 47:50 7:43 16 25:57 8:23 20 52:54 8:32 28 36:39 9:50 35 58:14 8:26 3:41:32 8:28 6083 3:42:02 Video
15 Cadence 25 51:51 8:22 51 32:34 10:31 16 51:02 8:14 9 31:31 8:28 21 55:51 8:05 3:42:47 8:31 6134 3:43:41 Video
16 Luckie & Company 5 43:34 7:02 41 31:11 10:04 30 55:01 8:53 45 38:25 10:19 18 55:07 7:59 3:43:16 8:32 6023 3:43:20 Video
17 Scrambled Legs 23 51:38 8:20 1 21:36 6:58 31 55:07 8:54 21 35:34 9:33 49 1:01:16 8:52 3:45:08 8:36 6066 3:45:31 Video
18 Team Toz 10 46:17 7:28 52 32:34 10:31 27 54:21 8:46 25 36:16 9:44 31 57:51 8:23 3:47:17 8:41 6212 3:47:45 Video
19 Silver Sneakers 1 12 48:19 7:48 12 25:35 8:16 36 57:14 9:14 44 38:17 10:16 39 58:38 8:29 3:48:01 8:43 6012 3:48:22 Video
20 Restoration Academy Runners 30 52:45 8:31 30 28:30 9:12 14 50:30 8:09 58 40:29 10:52 29 57:30 8:20 3:49:42 8:47 6157 3:49:52 Video
21 Altamont #1 9 45:13 7:18 58 33:23 10:47 68 1:04:56 10:29 6 30:37 8:13 20 55:38 8:03 3:49:45 8:47 6108 3:49:57 Video
22 Out For A Run 69 1:01:57 10:00 33 29:31 9:32 56 1:03:03 10:11 15 32:52 8:49 6 47:06 6:49 3:54:28 8:57 6151 3:56:18 Video
23 Rather Be In Bed 4 42:56 6:56 19 27:05 8:45 24 53:51 8:42 74 42:37 11:26 72 1:08:10 9:52 3:54:37 8:58 6080 3:54:47 Video
24 The Nature Conservancy in Alabama 21 51:26 8:18 23 27:29 8:52 28 54:22 8:47 79 43:36 11:42 32 58:06 8:25 3:54:57 8:59 6079 3:55:20 Video
25 Jasper Joggers 44 56:43 9:09 34 29:38 9:34 15 50:53 8:13 36 37:47 10:08 48 1:01:12 8:52 3:56:11 9:01 6165 3:57:26 Video
26 Hope For Hank 89 1:08:38 11:05 22 27:17 8:48 8 49:33 8:00 43 38:15 10:16 25 56:44 8:13 4:00:25 9:11 6125 4:00:47 Video
27 ERacers 27 52:25 8:28 67 34:45 11:13 33 56:07 9:04 22 35:42 9:35 52 1:02:13 9:01 4:01:11 9:13 6081 4:02:18 Video
28 The Sprinters 32 53:13 8:35 45 31:58 10:19 41 58:25 9:26 53 39:44 10:40 34 58:13 8:26 4:01:30 9:14 6040 4:02:31 Video
29 Piedmont Atlanta Crew 38 54:58 8:52 53 32:37 10:32 26 54:11 8:45 66 41:37 11:10 37 58:35 8:29 4:01:58 9:15 6036 4:02:03 Video
30 Protective Life 2 75 1:03:19 10:13 48 32:17 10:25 35 56:58 9:12 10 31:40 8:30 40 58:43 8:30 4:02:55 9:17 6170 4:06:49 Video
31 Mersmaniacs 47 57:17 9:15 73 35:43 11:32 23 53:45 8:41 35 37:42 10:07 38 58:36 8:29 4:03:01 9:17 6096 4:04:03 Video
32 VHUMC Runners 3 28 52:32 8:29 31 29:06 9:24 29 54:37 8:49 62 40:56 10:59 66 1:06:49 9:41 4:03:58 9:19 6032 4:04:56 Video
33 42K Kassouf 36 54:14 8:45 10 25:33 8:15 39 57:42 9:19 50 39:25 10:35 73 1:08:14 9:53 4:05:06 9:22 6142 4:06:15 Video
34 Jackson Wealth Management 62 1:00:21 9:44 36 29:52 9:38 66 1:04:28 10:24 18 34:25 9:14 23 56:15 8:09 4:05:18 9:22 6024 4:08:17 Video
35 Roman Road Warriors 72 1:02:38 10:06 13 25:38 8:17 18 51:50 8:22 38 37:54 10:10 76 1:09:15 10:02 4:07:13 9:27 6177 4:08:22 Video
36 @willyp14 41 55:56 9:02 24 27:34 8:54 77 1:07:12 10:51 37 37:54 10:10 43 59:03 8:33 4:07:35 9:27 6131 4:08:37 Video
37 VHUMC Runners 4 55 59:12 9:33 21 27:10 8:46 37 57:31 9:17 26 36:18 9:45 69 1:07:29 9:46 4:07:39 9:28 6033 4:09:36 Video
38 Let the Good Times Run - Restoration 48 57:25 9:16 47 32:10 10:23 3 45:16 7:19 61 40:37 10:54 90 1:12:51 10:33 4:08:17 9:29 6159 4:10:06 Video
39 Team Zooey 76 1:03:42 10:17 29 28:16 9:07 50 1:01:21 9:54 67 41:42 11:12 19 55:14 8:00 4:10:13 9:33 6097 4:13:37 Video
40 Silver Sneakers 2 14 48:26 7:49 74 35:50 11:34 96 1:16:13 12:18 7 30:53 8:18 44 59:41 8:39 4:11:02 9:35 6021 4:11:23 Video
41 The Bell Center Junior Board 26 52:14 8:26 83 37:12 12:00 81 1:07:46 10:56 34 37:31 10:04 27 57:05 8:16 4:11:46 9:37 6200 4:12:22 Video
42 Save Our Soles 22 51:36 8:20 94 39:19 12:41 84 1:08:47 11:06 27 36:23 9:46 22 56:03 8:07 4:12:07 9:38 6101 4:12:55 Video
43 5 Runners and a cloud of dust 64 1:01:46 9:58 59 33:33 10:50 71 1:05:39 10:36 42 38:14 10:16 17 54:59 7:58 4:14:08 9:42 6063 4:17:46 Video
44 Do it till its Dunn 98 1:12:52 11:46 11 25:34 8:15 60 1:03:30 10:15 33 37:17 10:00 24 56:17 8:09 4:15:29 9:46 6003 4:18:49 Video
45 Dale's Dingus's 17 50:07 8:05 93 39:16 12:40 47 1:00:54 9:50 32 37:09 9:58 74 1:08:21 9:54 4:15:45 9:46 6014 4:16:16 Video
46 Mercedes-Benz of Birmingham 57 59:22 9:35 69 35:00 11:18 40 57:49 9:20 55 39:51 10:42 60 1:03:50 9:15 4:15:50 9:46 6192 4:18:14 Video
47 VHUMC Runners 5 73 1:02:43 10:07 25 27:40 8:56 51 1:01:25 9:55 64 41:05 11:01 54 1:03:10 9:09 4:16:01 9:47 6034 4:17:58 Video
48 Carr Riggs & Ingram 20 51:24 8:18 55 32:54 10:37 64 1:04:11 10:21 40 38:03 10:13 81 1:10:37 10:14 4:17:08 9:49 6039 4:18:07 Video
49 ChipRewards #1 93 1:11:22 11:31 64 34:16 11:04 38 57:31 9:17 73 42:33 11:25 13 53:43 7:47 4:19:23 9:54 6181 4:23:42 Video
50 I thought they said rum.... 85 1:07:13 10:51 101 41:40 13:27 59 1:03:20 10:13 3 26:29 7:07 47 1:00:45 8:48 4:19:25 9:55 6072 4:19:57 Video
51 BBVA Compass Team 7 87 1:07:41 10:55 65 34:19 11:04 22 53:29 8:38 54 39:47 10:41 68 1:07:08 9:43 4:22:22 10:01 6045 4:25:36 Video
52 These Results Don't Matter 80 1:04:54 10:29 40 31:11 10:04 72 1:06:20 10:42 69 41:59 11:16 33 58:10 8:25 4:22:32 10:02 6204 4:24:32 Video
53 Blood, Sweat & Beers 103 1:16:11 12:18 85 37:27 12:05 57 1:03:15 10:12 41 38:04 10:13 7 47:46 6:55 4:22:41 10:02 6006 4:25:59 Video
54 DAUPHIN 65 1:01:48 9:59 103 42:30 13:43 58 1:03:18 10:13 82 44:14 11:52 10 51:19 7:26 4:23:07 10:03 6074 4:25:20 Video
55 BBVA Compass Team 8 71 1:02:29 10:05 77 36:45 11:52 21 52:58 8:33 89 46:14 12:25 63 1:05:43 9:31 4:24:07 10:05 6193 4:26:54 Video
56 Team ESS 74 1:03:03 10:11 82 37:11 12:00 17 51:18 8:17 100 51:21 13:47 50 1:01:31 8:55 4:24:22 10:06 6082 4:27:36 Video
57 Bluff Park Elementary #1 79 1:04:53 10:28 44 31:37 10:12 52 1:01:39 9:57 31 37:09 9:58 77 1:09:35 10:05 4:24:51 10:07 6113 4:29:00 Video
58 GMC 2 56 59:15 9:34 62 33:53 10:56 48 1:01:10 9:52 52 39:33 10:37 88 1:11:25 10:21 4:25:14 10:08 6208 4:26:46 Video
59 GMC 1 53 59:11 9:33 42 31:21 10:07 92 1:13:17 11:50 63 41:01 11:01 46 1:00:26 8:45 4:25:15 10:08 6210 4:26:47 Video
60 GMC 3 54 59:11 9:33 100 41:21 13:21 34 56:16 9:05 19 34:40 9:18 95 1:14:04 10:44 4:25:31 10:09 6209 4:27:02 Video
61 The Neuro-degenerates 34 53:30 8:38 104 43:22 14:00 98 1:16:35 12:21 65 41:30 11:08 9 50:46 7:21 4:25:40 10:09 6178 4:26:37 Video
62 Angels & Warriors for Ella Rose & Wi 46 56:55 9:11 7 25:02 8:05 95 1:15:04 12:07 47 38:51 10:26 82 1:10:49 10:15 4:26:38 10:11 6026 4:27:44 Video
63 SBJ roll tide 35 54:05 8:44 86 37:44 12:11 75 1:06:48 10:47 86 45:43 12:16 55 1:03:11 9:09 4:27:29 10:13 6057 4:28:02 Video
64 Lyla's Heart Runners 24 51:42 8:21 56 33:17 10:45 62 1:03:56 10:19 75 43:15 11:36 100 1:16:04 11:01 4:28:13 10:15 6171 4:28:27 Video
65 Winter Wonderers 68 1:01:54 9:59 98 40:53 13:12 25 53:54 8:42 72 42:26 11:23 79 1:10:19 10:11 4:29:24 10:17 6116 4:32:10 Video
66 Running Raiders 37 54:54 8:52 38 30:38 9:53 76 1:07:02 10:49 87 46:06 12:22 85 1:11:09 10:18 4:29:47 10:18 6117 4:31:40 Video
67 Southwestern Advantage Team 2 100 1:13:36 11:53 26 27:49 8:59 93 1:14:18 11:59 30 36:59 9:56 28 57:14 8:17 4:29:54 10:19 6187 4:32:31 Video
68 Worst Pace Scenario 83 1:06:32 10:44 75 36:31 11:47 94 1:14:30 12:01 51 39:31 10:36 12 53:40 7:46 4:30:41 10:20 6029 4:33:23 Video
69 Southwestern Advantage Team 1 97 1:12:11 11:39 102 41:43 13:28 53 1:01:49 9:59 29 36:41 9:51 36 58:30 8:28 4:30:52 10:21 6186 4:33:30 Video
70 Far Wars 60 59:45 9:39 39 30:49 9:57 46 1:00:11 9:43 49 39:15 10:32 105 1:23:06 12:02 4:33:03 10:26 6167 4:35:08 Video
71 BBVA Compass Team 2 49 57:28 9:17 35 29:43 9:35 55 1:02:39 10:07 57 39:59 10:44 107 1:25:00 12:18 4:34:47 10:30 6062 4:36:18 Video
72 Bentley's BellRunners 31 52:48 8:31 49 32:17 10:25 61 1:03:45 10:17 98 49:58 13:25 102 1:19:11 11:28 4:37:57 10:37 6065 4:38:41 Video
73 Roll Tide, Go Cats!! 51 57:37 9:18 54 32:41 10:33 99 1:16:53 12:24 96 49:03 13:10 57 1:03:27 9:11 4:39:39 10:41 6084 4:41:46 Video
74 Your Pace or Mine? 106 1:18:03 12:36 60 33:50 10:55 86 1:10:00 11:18 59 40:33 10:53 30 57:44 8:22 4:40:09 10:42 6190 4:44:25 Video
75 OMIS Team Dauntless 61 59:51 9:40 72 35:40 11:31 85 1:09:06 11:09 84 44:42 12:00 83 1:10:53 10:16 4:40:09 10:42 6105 4:42:24 Video
76 First Fleet 52 57:43 9:19 105 44:11 14:16 73 1:06:21 10:42 106 57:30 15:26 16 54:53 7:57 4:40:37 10:43 6120 4:40:42 Video
77 Altec Capital Three 99 1:13:00 11:47 63 33:53 10:56 69 1:05:09 10:31 91 46:45 12:33 53 1:02:35 9:04 4:41:21 10:45 6087 4:44:19 Video
78 Time Wounds All Heels 109 1:19:26 12:49 96 40:20 13:01 65 1:04:24 10:24 16 33:26 8:58 61 1:04:14 9:18 4:41:48 10:46 6111 4:46:40 Video
79 Deb's Flock 67 1:01:51 9:59 108 45:54 14:49 70 1:05:23 10:33 81 43:53 11:47 62 1:05:18 9:27 4:42:16 10:47 6123 4:45:18 Video
80 BBVA - Diebold 86 1:07:24 10:53 81 37:10 12:00 83 1:07:54 10:58 99 51:14 13:45 41 58:45 8:31 4:42:26 10:47 6037 4:46:03 Video
81 Betty's Bunch 70 1:02:24 10:04 46 32:01 10:20 80 1:07:26 10:53 109 1:00:01 16:06 51 1:01:59 8:59 4:43:49 10:50 6068 4:45:12 Video
82 Altec Capital One 43 56:30 9:07 110 48:11 15:33 43 58:30 9:27 94 48:07 12:55 91 1:13:02 10:35 4:44:18 10:52 6085 4:46:34 Video
83 Cirque de Sore Legs 91 1:10:43 11:25 78 36:51 11:54 78 1:07:13 10:51 76 43:16 11:37 67 1:07:00 9:42 4:45:02 10:53 6150 4:46:52 Video
84 ChipRewards #2 95 1:11:49 11:35 89 38:26 12:24 87 1:10:32 11:23 71 42:16 11:21 59 1:03:36 9:13 4:46:37 10:57 6182 4:50:52 Video
85 A Running Joke 90 1:10:09 11:19 57 33:20 10:46 88 1:10:54 11:27 70 42:06 11:18 80 1:10:21 10:11 4:46:49 10:57 6196 4:49:42 Video
86 DA TEAM 15 48:43 7:52 14 25:39 8:17 107 1:24:30 13:38 103 54:21 14:35 93 1:13:40 10:40 4:46:52 10:57 6191 4:47:26 Video
87 Cirque du Sorelegs 94 1:11:36 11:33 87 37:55 12:14 54 1:01:55 10:00 83 44:39 11:59 87 1:11:15 10:19 4:47:18 10:58 6005 4:51:38 Video
88 Altamont #2 59 59:41 9:38 92 39:07 12:38 102 1:19:48 12:53 39 37:55 10:11 86 1:11:10 10:18 4:47:39 10:59 6109 4:49:40 Video
89 Participation Medals 92 1:10:44 11:25 70 35:10 11:21 105 1:23:16 13:26 46 38:44 10:24 45 1:00:05 8:42 4:47:57 11:00 6146 4:50:43 Video
90 Chasing Trucks 82 1:06:26 10:43 32 29:19 9:28 49 1:01:15 9:53 107 57:45 15:30 94 1:14:00 10:43 4:48:44 11:02 6053 4:51:49 Video
91 BBVA Compass Team 6 50 57:36 9:18 61 33:50 10:55 101 1:19:19 12:48 105 54:48 14:42 56 1:03:20 9:10 4:48:51 11:02 6042 4:50:23 Video
92 Cirque du Sore Legs 39 55:41 8:59 84 37:22 12:03 104 1:23:03 13:24 90 46:40 12:31 71 1:08:02 9:51 4:50:45 11:06 6028 4:52:08 Video
93 Don t Stop Aleving 101 1:13:58 11:56 90 38:49 12:32 74 1:06:26 10:43 80 43:45 11:45 70 1:07:51 9:50 4:50:47 11:06 6088 4:53:45 Video
94 Team Red, White, & Blue Birmingham 111 1:39:59 16:08 17 26:26 8:32 42 58:29 9:26 23 35:48 9:37 78 1:10:11 10:10 4:50:52 11:07 6205 4:55:27 Video
95 Comfort Care Hospice 45 56:44 9:09 37 29:52 9:38 106 1:24:07 13:34 92 47:39 12:47 97 1:14:37 10:48 4:52:57 11:11 6155 4:55:49 Video
96 7 degrees of Peggy Masters 96 1:11:52 11:36 97 40:39 13:07 90 1:12:05 11:38 77 43:27 11:40 64 1:05:47 9:32 4:53:49 11:13 6052 4:58:15 Video
97 Bentley's Heroes 66 1:01:50 9:59 76 36:43 11:51 45 59:39 9:38 60 40:34 10:53 110 1:35:20 13:48 4:54:04 11:14 6049 4:54:49 Video
98 BI Bell Runners 19 51:21 8:17 50 32:17 10:25 111 1:36:05 15:30 78 43:33 11:41 101 1:16:55 11:08 5:00:09 11:28 6147 5:00:26 Video
99 CPFD 3 108 1:18:23 12:39 66 34:36 11:10 44 59:05 9:32 102 52:47 14:10 98 1:15:22 10:55 5:00:11 11:28 6094 5:02:29 Video
100 On Fire 2 Win 105 1:17:39 12:32 80 37:08 11:59 89 1:11:41 11:34 85 45:19 12:10 84 1:10:57 10:16 5:02:43 11:34 6176 5:07:27 Video
101 BI BellRunners 40 55:42 8:59 99 41:20 13:20 110 1:35:06 15:21 97 49:30 13:17 65 1:06:41 9:39 5:08:16 11:46 6148 5:09:43 Video
102 Bluff Park Elementary #2 84 1:06:38 10:45 95 39:41 12:48 91 1:12:43 11:44 93 47:50 12:50 106 1:23:15 12:03 5:10:05 11:51 6115 5:14:14 Video
103 HB284 63 1:00:41 9:48 91 38:59 12:35 63 1:04:09 10:21 110 1:01:23 16:28 109 1:27:29 12:40 5:12:39 11:56 6166 5:16:03 Video
104 Red Wheels 77 1:04:03 10:20 111 54:59 17:44 82 1:07:51 10:57 48 38:51 10:26 108 1:27:11 12:37 5:12:53 11:57 6056 5:15:44 Video
105 ChipRewards #3 88 1:08:15 11:01 109 46:58 15:09 108 1:26:37 13:59 56 39:56 10:43 92 1:13:21 10:37 5:15:05 12:02 6183 5:19:24 Video
106 The Bicuspid Aortic Valviches 78 1:04:50 10:28 107 45:31 14:41 109 1:29:46 14:29 88 46:10 12:23 89 1:12:13 10:28 5:18:28 12:10 6002 5:20:54 Video
107 Team Anson-1 102 1:15:43 12:13 71 35:31 11:28 100 1:18:09 12:37 95 48:51 13:06 103 1:21:28 11:48 5:19:39 12:12 6197 5:22:27 Video
108 The Runtastics 104 1:16:45 12:23 88 38:14 12:20 79 1:07:23 10:52 111 1:08:15 18:19 99 1:15:41 10:58 5:26:16 12:28 6153 5:30:24 Video
109 Team Henry’s Heroes 110 1:30:37 14:37 79 36:54 11:55 97 1:16:18 12:19 104 54:30 14:37 75 1:08:29 9:55 5:26:45 12:29 6188 5:27:49 Video
110 Massey Stotser Nichols 81 1:05:54 10:38 68 34:46 11:13 67 1:04:48 10:27 101 51:24 13:48 111 1:50:21 15:59 5:27:11 12:30 6061 5:29:36 Video
111 WBRC FOX6 News Crew 107 1:18:06 12:36 106 44:26 14:20 103 1:22:47 13:22 108 59:56 16:05 104 1:22:58 12:01 5:48:11 13:18 6168 5:51:10 Video
Mercedes Marathon Weekend

RELAY TEAM RESULTS (Master's Open Teams)

Mercedes Marathon Weekend

Place Team Name Rank 1st Leg Pace Rank 2nd Leg Pace Rank 3rd Leg Pace Rank 4th Leg Pace Rank 5th Leg Pace Finish Time Pace Bib# Clock Time Link
1 Venomous 5 1 37:49 6:06 1 25:54 8:22 1 49:33 8:00 1 30:54 8:18 1 52:20 7:35 3:16:29 7:30 6067 3:16:31 Video
2 EW Tuscaloosa 3 1:00:29 9:46 2 32:58 10:39 3 1:04:20 10:23 2 33:47 9:04 2 1:02:01 8:59 4:13:34 9:41 6203 4:14:30 Video
3 Mostly Major +-1 2 54:39 8:49 3 42:05 13:35 2 1:03:18 10:13 3 37:34 10:05 3 1:05:13 9:27 4:22:47 10:02 6175 4:23:01 Video
Mercedes Marathon Weekend

RELAY TEAM RESULTS (High School Teams)

Mercedes Marathon Weekend

Place Team Name Rank 1st Leg Pace Rank 2nd Leg Pace Rank 3rd Leg Pace Rank 4th Leg Pace Rank 5th Leg Pace Finish Time Pace Bib# Clock Time Link
1 Spain Park 1 41:00 6:37 1 20:49 6:43 4 56:52 9:11 1 26:23 7:05 1 40:13 5:50 3:05:16 7:05 6211 3:05:22 Video
2 The Lambroghinis 2 47:11 7:37 2 23:09 7:28 1 40:17 6:30 2 34:34 9:17 2 44:16 6:25 3:09:25 7:14 6195 3:09:43 Video
3 Goyal Kids' Altamont MS/HS Relay Tea 3 47:11 7:37 4 34:26 11:07 3 54:36 8:49 4 36:05 9:41 3 51:17 7:26 3:43:33 8:32 6207 3:43:50 Video
4 Cornerstone Grit Squad 4 1:02:54 10:09 3 28:53 9:19 2 49:05 7:55 3 35:56 9:39 4 1:01:46 8:57 3:58:33 9:07 6201 4:00:04 Video